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19 of the most heavily guarded places on Earth (19 Photos)

1.Vatican Secret Archives Vatican Secret Archives Despite the church’s attempt at openness, critics say the contents aren’t accessible enough since only qualified clergy and academics are allowed inside the facility, and even those granted entry cannot view items without advanced approval.Thus, the skeptics remain, with theories ranging from the cavern hiding gospels that contradict the Bible, to it housing the earliest known collection of pornography, and holding plans to control the world. 2.Fort Knox Fort Knox Fort Knox is home to the US Bullion Depository. It not only stores thousands of tons of gold, but, it is said to house important historical documents as well, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carte. If a bank robber was somehow able to get through the solid granite wall perimeter and past the squadrons of machine-gun wielding guards and armed military, they would still have to contend with a 22-ton vault blas

Barack Obama alien bodyguard

On March 4th, Obama's secret alien security team skeeved out the planet. While addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a shapeshifter alien humanoid was caught on tape slithering about the group, keeping its two soulless eyes on the crowd. It was terrifying, and sent the conspiracy theorists all a twitter. There's an alien working for the President! Obama must come clean about his ties to the shapeshifting alien race he's been secretly employing for security purposes! Thank goodness for Wired 's Danger Room , who had the steely reserve to question National Security Council chief spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said something interesting: The White House dismissed the alien bodyguards as too costly in this era of budgetary austerity. “I can’t confirm the claims made in this video, but any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester,” Caitlin Hayde
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